Temple Sholom to Host Annual Chanukah Lego Night on December 6

Legos, Lights and Latkes; Open to the Community

Temple Sholom of Scotch Plains will host its annual Chanukah Lego Night on Thursday, December 6, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Temple Sholom, 1925 Lake Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ.  Back by popular demand, the event is free and open to the public.

Participants are welcome to build as many Lego creations as their hearts desire, while reveling in dreidel games, enjoying Chanukah music, and indulging in donuts, latkes (potato pancakes) and plenty of chocolate gelt. There also will be raffles for a Lego-style menorah and a Lego-style dreidel.

In Hebrew, the word “Chanukah” means “dedication.” The name reminds us that this holiday commemorates the re-dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greeks who tried to destroy the Jewish population in 165 B.C.E. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival celebrates the triumph of light over darkness.

“While not one of the most important Jewish holidays, Chanukah is the most anticipated – and a time when friends, family, and community come together to celebrate,” said Rabbi Joel Abraham of Temple Sholom.  “As Jews, we believe that it is our duty to build a better world. What better way than to start with Lego?”