Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Programs

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Sponsored by Safe+Sound Somerset  

Dating violence is more common than people think, especially among teens and young adults. One in three teens experience dating violence before high school graduation (Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013). Adolescents in abusive relationships often carry these unhealthy patterns of violence into future relationships. Children who are victimized or witness violence frequently bring this experience with them to the playground, the classroom, later into teen relationships and, ultimately, they can end up the victims and perpetrators of adult intimate partner violence.

During Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) in February, Safe+Sound Somerset will work to break the cycle of violence. Join us for this national effort to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence. We have put together resources with information about this serious issue and what you can do to help teens navigate dating relationships.

The complete list of #TDVAM2021 programs for parents, teachers, and teens online at www.safe-sound.org/tdvam2021. Programming includes our Relating About Dating: Talking to Teens About Healthy Relationships webinars for parents, teachers, and other who care about teens. Our Teen Safety Planning guide can also be found here. 

Additionally, TDVAM Toolkit is available for schools and community groups seeking activities and resources that introduce teens to the warning signs of dating violence and domestic abuse, and spread awareness of how they can get help. For more information, contact Jessica Skultety, SPEAK Community Outreach Associate at jskultety@safe-sound.org or 908-359-0003, ext. 214.

Individuals requiring safety, support or information related to domestic violence or dating abuse, for themselves or someone they care about, can contact S+SS’s call/text hotline 24/7 at 866-685-1122.

Safe+Sound Somerset is the only private, non-profit organization in Somerset County providing comprehensive services to survivors of domestic abuse and their families. Our trauma-informed, evidence-based programs are designed to support and empower survivors and their families. Established in 1978, S+SS has continually expanded, offering a comprehensive range of services for survivors while working towards ending intimate partner violence and domestic abuse once and for all. Today our services include crisis intervention, including our hotline, DVRT and safe house, legal and family advocacy, financial literacy/housing advocacy, individual and group counseling, and SPEAK Community Outreach & Education. Services are provided free of charge, in a confidential and culturally sensitive environment. For help or to request additional information about Safe+Sound Somerset’s services, call or text our 24/7 confidential hotline at 866-685-1122.

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