Take an Audio Tour of Historic Cranford From Home

(above) Download the brochure for the audio tour of historic Cranford at preservecranford.com.

Armchair History Tour of Cranford Available

Take an audio tour of historic Cranford from the comfort of your living room. The Cranford Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) has created an armchair tour of 25 historic sites in Cranford.

A brochure for the tour can be downloaded from HPAB’s website, preservecranford.com. You take the tour by holding your smart phone over a QR code provided in the brochure. Your phone will recognize the code and provide a link to a description of the location recorded by Bernie Wagenblast.

The tour includes downtown buildings like the William Sperry Building, the Masonic Building, and the Jahn Building, and sites such as Droescher’s Mill and the Sperry Observatory. Some of the structures on the tour, for example the Opera House Block and Hampton Hall, no longer exist but you can hear about their history. The brochure also includes a photo of each site and a map that shows the locations. When the quarantine is over, you can walk around town and follow the map to see the sites in person.

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