Tag: Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad

Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Celebrates 60th Anniversary

SVFAC Celebrates 60th Anniversary Neighbors helping neighbors since 1962 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad celebrated its 60th anniversary of serving the community this Summer.  Sis Barker and Betty Bangs, both of whom were members of the Junior League, decided to

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SVFAS Member Beverly Brown Recognized for EMS Excellence

Beverly Brown Recognized for EMS Excellence Beverly Brown, a long-time member of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad received the 2022 Excellence in EMS Award from Overlook Medical Center. An active member for nearly 40 years, Beverly joined the Squad as a Junior

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Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Celebrates 60 Years of Service

SVFAS Celebrates 60 Years of Service As it enters its seventh decade of service, the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad (SVFAS) is actively seeking new members to join its team. Members include men and women of all ages, ethnicities, and

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Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad 2022 Leadership Team

New Officers Installed Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad is pleased to announce its 2022 Leadership team. Mayor Nora Radest paid a visit to the Squad building to administer the Oath of Office.  The Squad’s

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