Tag: Rahway Elks Lodge

Flag Day Celebration at the Rahway Elks Lodge

Elks Flag Day Celebration Submitted by Kristina Petti Flag Day was celebrated on June 11th at the Rahway Elks Lodge, even though Flag Day is celebrated on June 14th nationally. This holiday holds a special place in the heart of Elks as

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Rahway Elks host Luncheon for Veterans Memorial Home

Rahway Elks Veterans Committee Luncheon The Rahway Elks Veterans Service Committee recently hosted a luncheon at the Firehouse Restaurant for 16 Veterans, staff, and aides from the Veterans Memorial Home at Menlo Park. Nine Elks members also volunteered their time to help

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Rahway Elks Annual Flag Day Ritual – June 11th

2023 Rahway Elks Annual Flag Day Ritual In July of 1908, the Elks’ Grand Lodge provided for the annual nationwide observance of Flag Day on the 14th of June each year, making it mandatory for each subordinate Lodge in the

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Rahway Elks Lodge #1075 Installs New Officers

Rahway Elks New Officers Every year, the Rahway Elks Lodge #1075 holds an Installation where state and grand lodge officials assist with installing new officers into their roles for the fraternal year, April-March. Our lodge held our Instillation on March 25th, 2023 to

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