Tag: Old Kenilworth

WHAT WHERE AND WHEN IN OLD KENILWORTH: The ponds that disappeared, Part 3

The ponds that disappeared, Part 3 The largest of Kenilworth’s three ponds that disappeared is Jackson Pond. It was somewhat kidney shaped and was, according to Charles Vitale (1921-2006), about nine to ten acres in size. It covered a large

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WHAT WHERE AND WHEN IN OLD KENILWORTH: The ponds that disappeared, Part 2

The ponds that disappeared, Part 2 Of four ponds once in Kenilworth only Shallcross Pond off the end N. 14th St. in Black Brood Park remains. The three that vanished are Station Pond, Hiller’s Pond, and Jackson Pond. Last month Part

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WHAT WHERE AND WHEN IN OLD KENILWORTH: The ponds that disappeared, Part 1

The ponds that disappeared, Part 1 Kenilworth once boasted four ponds. Only Shallcross Pond off the end N. 14th St. in Black Brood Park remains. It was the subject of March and April articles in this newspaper. But what about the

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WHAT WHERE AND WHEN IN OLD KENILWORTH: Remembering Kenilworth’s fallen heroes

Remembering Kenilworth’s fallen heroes On Memorial Day, May 29, 2023, many will picnic, attend holiday sales, rush to the beach, or visit friends. This special day is only possible due to the supreme sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of military

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