New Providence Lions Club 2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament Submitted by Tom Montrone Can you handle the pressure?! Are you good enough to even make the second round? Find out at the 2nd annual Lions Corn Hole Fun Raising tournament on…
New Providence Lions Club Officers for 2020-2022 The New Providence Lions Club recently installed their new slate of officers for the club. The new President is Tom Montrone; First Vice President, Patricia Jacobs; Secretary, Anne Marie Ragsdale; and Treasurer, Perry…
Tribute to our Veterans Submitted by Linda Kale The New Providence Lions held an impromptu “Tribute to our Veterans” in Veterans Park on Friday, May 22, 2020 to remember the courageous men and women who died in our nations service.…
New Providence Lions Club Cancels Annual Easter Egg Hunt After a full half century, 50 consecutive years, of holding fun-filled Easter Egg Hunts, the New Providence Lions Club must cancel this year’s event planned for Saturday, April 4th. “We are deeply…