Tag: Fanwood Rescue Squad

Fanwood Rescue Squad and Fire Department Service Awards

FRS and FD Service Awards 2023 The Fanwood Fire Department and Fanwood Rescue Squad recently held their annual awards dinner at Shackamaxon Country Club in Scotch Plains. In attendance were the families of the volunteers in addition to members of the Fanwood Police Department

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Departed Fanwood Rescue Squad Member’s Son Continues a Legacy of Service

Fanwood Rescue Squad Legacy of Service Borough of Fanwood Eric Hoyer saw how committed his dad was to the Fanwood Rescue Squad. Indeed, Bob Hoyer, a member from 2006 to 2014, was a top responder for several consecutive years as

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Fanwood Remembers 9-11 20th Anniversary, Celebrates Freedom with FanJam

Fanwood 9-11 Remembrance and FanJam Borough of Fanwood The FanJam rock concert, car show and food truck festival rocked Fanwood on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021. Perfect weather, perfect music and hundreds of people came to LaGrande Park for the return

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Fanwood Night Out Draws Large Crowd to Mingle with Public Safety Responders

Fanwood National Night Out 2021 Borough of Fanwood Fanwood’s finest were out in force for fun on Tuesday night, August 3, at the National Night Out celebration in LaGrande Park. The National Night out is a community-building event held across the country that

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