Fiesta Latina event – Sept. 29
The Summit Department of Community Programs is announcing its annual Fiesta Latina event will be held on Friday, September 29, from 6 – 9 p.m. on the Village Green, located at 356 Broad Street in Summit.
Citizens are invited to this free community event to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Attendees can enjoy musical and dance performances, Latin food trucks, and cultural demonstrations. From 6PM to 7PM there will be dance and cultural demonstrations from different local groups. From 6:30PM to 8PM De Tierra Caliente will perform in concert on the main stage, playing music from Latin and South America.
Community and cultural groups should contact David Guida at dguidajr@cityofsummit.org or 908-277-2932 to sign up to host a table at the event or become a sponsor.
For more information, please visit summitcommunityprograms.com or call the Department of Community Programs at 908-277-2932.