St. Vincent de Paul Parish October Events
Fish and Chips Dinner – Sat., Oct. 16
Our semi-annual Fish and Chips Dinner will be Saturday, October 16th. This year the dinner will be take out only. Order pick up will start at 5:30 p.m. Online ticket sales will soon be available on the parish website stvincentschurch.org. The proceeds from the dinner will benefit our sister parish in Haiti. If you are able to help with the event please contact parish@stvincentschurch.org.
Clothing collection – Fri., Oct. 29th
The Rosary Altar Society Collection of wearable, usable clothing for the needy throughout the world will take place all day Friday, October 29th until 7 p.m.
Needed items are men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, shoes, belts and handbags. We are also accepting linens, bedding, curtains, towels, stuffed animals, soft toys, bikes, and strollers.
Please put all items in standard kitchen garbage bags (except for the bikes and strollers) and tie the bag closed. Bags should not exceed 20 pounds. Please bag shoes separately.
Please do not bring your items to the church meeting room prior to the collection date, or after.
The Parish is located at 250 Bebout Ave. Stirling. For questions or to volunteer to assist please visit our website stvincentschurch.org, or email parish@stvincentschurch.org.