Sleep Under at the Library of the Chathams

(above) Brownie Sleep Under movie time.

Sleep Under at the Library of the Chathams

Chatham Girl Scouts

Cadette Troop 6643 hosted a Sleep Under (6:30 – 9:30 p.m.) for 47 Brownie Girl Scouts at the Library of the Chathams on Friday, February 2nd. Attendees also donated nonperishable food items for Chatham United Methodist Church food pantry.

This is an annual event for Chatham Brownie Girl Scouts. For this year, 8th grade Cadette troop 6643 hosted it because they remembered how much they enjoyed this event when they were Brownies. The Cadettes have been planning the activities, creating the agenda, purchasing supplies, and managing the event budget and signups for the past 2 months. The main activity was a movie, but the Cadettes planned a scavenger hunt, craft, game, and food to add to the fun. Brownies also received a patch and a friendship bracelet made by the Cadettes.

(above, l-r) Cadette troop 6643. Back row: Emily Smith, Olivia Choi, Julianna Falzarano, Adriana O’Brien, Caroline Walker, Carys Lacy, Piper Tagle.  Bottom row: Mia Baldasssaro, Maia Lazarus, Natalie Choi.

The Cadettes feel that the Library of the Chathams is a special place and they hoped to share their love of the library with younger Girl Scouts. The library staff was so easy to work with and were so accommodating to their needs. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!

(above) Maia Lazarus, Natalie Choi and Olivia Choi preparing for the Browne Sleep Under.
(above) Mia Baldassaro and Caroline Walker making Friendship bracelets for the Brownies.
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