Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ a Feast for the Bees

As summer flowers fade away and chrysanthemums take center stage in the garden, ‘Sedum Autumn Joy’ is a dependable, easy to grow perennial that blooms year after year with very little care.
Native to Japan ‘Sedum Spectabile’, commonly called ‘Autumn Joy’ is the showiest of all sedum. Sedums are a family of over 350 succulents, which are plants that store water in their leaves. Because of this ability sedums are drought resistance.
Appropriately named, Autumn Joy is a classic plant in the fall garden. Two foot high stalks with fleshy succulent leaves produce slightly rounded pink flowers. The flower heads become darker as the season progresses finally turning mahogany. Beginning to flower in late August, it blooms well until the frost.
First introduced to the United States in the 1950’s, Autumn Joy is not invasive. Slow growing, it forms a mound which is easy to maintain. This plant can be propagated in spring by division or by stem cuttings. Plant them in your own garden and share a few with friends.
Plant Autumn Joy in full sun in average well drained soil. After the frost, cut to ground level. Bees get the greatest benefit from a planting of Autumn Joy. While there are fewer sources of nectar to be found is the fall, bees are active preparing their hives and the ‘queen’ for the approaching winter. Busy gathering stocks of food for early spring when the hive becomes active again, these flowering plants might mean the survival of the colony.
I enjoy standing a safe distance away and watching as bees of different sizes work diligently side by side on the flowers. It is truly amazing.
Because of its ability to be to be a “bee magnet” I suggest you avoid planting Autumn Joy by doors or entrance ways where the active critters might frighten family or guests.
Happy gardening,

(above) In September, poison ivy is the first plant to change color. The bright orange, red and yellow leaves make this 'toxic' native plant easy to spot. Please research safe removal before tackling this problem vine.

(above) In September, poison ivy is the first plant to change color. The bright orange, red and yellow leaves make this ‘toxic’ native plant easy to spot. Please research safe removal before tackling this problem vine.

(above) President of The Rahway Garden Club, James Keane has been researching and answering garden questions since 1995. Visit 'Keane Gardener' blog at:

(above) President of The Rahway Garden Club, James Keane has been researching and answering garden questions since 1995. Visit ‘Keane Gardener’ blog at: