Remember that fellow Scouter you knew from all those Boy Scout, Cub Scout, Venture Crew, Sea Scout Crew, Sabattis, Philmont or Summit camping trips or from all those Order of the Arrow, service and Eagle projects or from working on planning and running all those Scouting events but with whom you lost touch over the years?
There is a great likelihood that they will be attending this Alumni event sponsored by Patriots’ Path Council.
If you want to recapture all those great memories from “back in the day when…,” be at the Garden Restaurant on Wednesday, April 19 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm by registering at: before Monday, April 17.
Program will include presentations on 2017 Alumni events, such as the Alumni National Jamboree and an Alumni trip, recognition of Veteran Scouters and Silver Beaver Award recipients and a Collector’s Patch sale.
There is no charge for this Fellowship Dinner, yet there will be door prizes, a drawing for a free spot on the May 20 Alumni trip to Philadelphia and a great Patriots’ Path Council Alumni Shoulder Patch for all attendees.
For more information, please register online or contact Mary Lynne Capen at 973-765-9222 x241 or