Saint Michael’s students’ participate in Loaves and Fishes project

Loaves and Fishes project

Julie Carroll, Cranford Family Care Association

During the lenten season the children of Saint Michael’s School in grades 2 through 8 participated in a new program called Loaves and Fishes. Under the direction and guidance of Mollie Laracy, each Tuesday and Thursday during lent she worked with a different grade preparing complete dinners for clients of Cranford Family Care.

The children in each grade were asked to make a monetary donation of $2 to help defray the cost of some of the ingredients and supplies. Mrs. Laracy prepared a different menu for each group of students and purchased all of the needed ingredients. The first group of chefs were from Mrs. Obergfell’s second grade class. Mrs. Laracy along with Mrs. Obergfell and several eighth graders worked together diligently rolling meatballs, making lasagna, garlic knots and cookies. Upon completion of their tasks they boxed up each meal into individual portions to provide their home cooked meal made with love for someone to enjoy. Mrs. Laracy continued succeeding days with each of the other classes to supervise the children in making their Lenten offerings.

Loaves and Fishes was indeed a worthwhile project that allowed the children to be helpful and learn that even they are capable of reaching out and helping others in need. We hope that this will be an annual lenten project for the children.

Cranford family Care appreciates the students from St. Michael’s hard work, generosity and kindness.