Submitted by Clea Carchia
The Rahway River Watershed Association (RRWA) conducted a cleanup of the banks of the Rahway River on April 15, 2018. We focused our efforts on the area behind the library from the overpass all the way down to past the Water’s Edge apartment complex. At least 52 people participated in the cleanup, including many Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownie groups, and Rahway Public School students. Representatives from the RRWA board, and the Army Corps of Engineers were also present. We collected over 50 bags of trash, including many plastic bottles, and some tires including a large tractor tire that had washed up on the bank. Some cat houses and a large cone were also collected from the banks of the river. Lunch, donated by Rahway restaurants, was provided for the volunteers after the cleanup at 337 Milton Avenue, Rahway, New Jersey, the location of RRWAs new offices, which are right near the cleanup site.
(above) Volunteers recently cleaned up the banks of the Rahway River.