Rahway Elks host Veterans’ luncheon
Submitted by Christina Petti
The Rahway Elks Veterans Committee hosted another wonderful lunch at the Firehouse restaurant in Rahway, NJ on Friday, June 23rd for veterans from the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park. This is our favorite type of event to host because it is so important to listen to the stories these veterans tell and they love the time out. This time we had six Elks volunteers, 11 veterans (including three Elks), three hospital aides, and four family members.
This lodge has always followed the New Jersey Elks Veteran’s Committee’s motto, “So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.”

If you are interested in attending one of the future lunches as a veteran from Rahway, please contact the Rahway Elks via phone at 732-388-1075.
Also, if you are interested in becoming a member of the Elks please stop by, call, or check out our Facebook page Rahway Elks #1075, or website Rahwayelks.org, for more information.
Courtesy photos