Rahway Elks New Officers
Every year, the Rahway Elks Lodge #1075 holds an Installation where state and grand lodge officials assist with installing new officers into their roles for the fraternal year, April-March. Our lodge held our Instillation on March 25th, 2023 to install a new Exalted Ruler, a few new Trustees, and both appointed positions for Chaplin and Esquire. We celebrated the outgoing and incoming officers after the ceremony with a party with food catered by The Firehouse and music.
Being an officer of the lodge comes with additional duties, such as maintaining the building, accounting of funds, and handling paperwork. Without these phenomenal volunteers we can not do what we need to for this community. Our lodge has been revitalized with new members and community supporters who are all working together to better our world.
Message from the Exalted Ruler:
As the newly installed Exalted Ruler of Rahway Elks 1075, I am excited and looking forward to meeting and working with our businesses and residents to continue our community support.
In the near future, we will be planning an open house to convey to the community what the Elks are about and what we do and will continue to do going forward to help the entire community.
Larry Mastroberardino, Exalted Ruler
Rahway Elks # 1075