Police Captain Artie O’Leary and Rahway Firefighter Harry F. Blumer Sr. Friendship Scholarships Awarded

The Rahway Police Department and Rahway Fire Department are proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Captain Artie O’Leary & Firefighter Harry F. Blumer Sr. Friendship Scholarship Award.  Congratulations to Anna McComb, Carly Durkin, Michela Sabba, Jason Brougham, and Justin DeSordi, who were awarded the Captain Artie O’Leary Scholarship.  Layna Peterson and Daniel Taylor received the Firefighter Harry F. Blumer Sr. Award.
This annual scholarship is awarded to deserving recipients in honor of the late William Arthur O’Leary, a former Rahway Police Department Captain who passed away in 1993, and Rahway Firefighter Harry F. Blumer, who passed away in 2011.  Scholarships are awarded to the children of active duty Rahway Police and Fire Department Officers who meet specific criteria.  The recipients are selected based upon academic excellence, demonstrated commitment and service to their communities, acceptance to an accredited college or university, and successful completion of the application essay. The scholarship is generously funded by Bernard Burkhoff, a Rahway businessman, who was also personal friend of Captain Artie O’Leary and Firefighter Harry Blumer Sr.  The Rahway Police Department and Rahway Fire Department would like to thank Mr. Burkhoff for his continued generosity and dedication.

(above l-r) Jason Brougham, Carly Durkin, Bernard Burkoff, Justin DeSordi, Daniel Taylor, and Layna Peterson.

(above l-r) Jason Brougham, Carly Durkin, Bernard Burkoff, Justin DeSordi, Daniel Taylor, and Layna Peterson.