Portrait Show and Cabinet Display at the Library

Portrait Show and Cabinet Display

Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library

The Friends of the Library are excited to announce a group portrait show for the months of December and January. This mixed media show features artists Liliana Drake, Parvathi Kumar, Ann Vollum, Kathy Visco Rodgers, Harry Douglas, Liz Moser, Denise Moser, and Joel Francisco. 

The new installation will exhibit a diverse group of artists who have expressed many variations of the portrait, including photos, oil paintings, pen and ink illustrations, watercolor, hand stitched textiles, painting on newspaper collages, images pressed and painted on ceramics, and woodcuts. The artists are from our local area and most are residents of New Providence: Liliana Drake (mixed media paintings), Parvathi Kumar (photographs), Ann Vollum (Fiber and digital works), Kathy Visco Rodgers (ceramics), Harry Douglas (large oil paintings), Liz Moser (pen and ink illustrations) Denise Moser (woodcuts), and Joel Francisco (watercolor). The portraits are on the New Providence Memorial Library walls in the front reading area and on the walls of the Conti Family Community Room for the months of December and January. Additional works are in the cabinet display along the front wall. The art can also be viewed online at: sites.google.com/view/new providence library gallery/portraits-exhibit

Please contact the library at 908-665-0311 or visit our website at newprovidencelibrary.org to learn more about activities and to find out how to become a member of the Friends. We welcome new volunteers. We meet in the Conti Room. Stop by the library (377 Elkwood Ave.) to get books (of course!) and watch a movie, get a museum pass, attend a concert, see the latest artwork, or participate in one of dozens of monthly programs. Our programming includes arts & crafts events and projects, author events, book clubs, computer language courses, and the yearly Craft Fair – all of which are supported or sponsored by the Friends. Check the library’s website calendar to see what movies are playing this month, and stop in to borrow Museum passes (just like you’d check out a book).

The Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness and funds, as well as advocate for, the New Providence Memorial Library. The Friends organize free music concerts, support the library’s Museum Pass program, purchase movie licenses, and fund special events and programming for all ages. The Friends curate the art spaces in the library, and we encourage area artists and crafters to inquire about exhibiting their work at npmlcurator@gmail.com, or to fill out our online application form. You may also email us atFriendsoftheNPLibrary@gmail.com.

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