North Plainfield Police Youth Academy Graduating Class

(above) Somerset County Sheriffs officer with his k9 partner instructing the class.

North Plainfield’s 5th Annual Police Youth Academy 2019 Graduating Class

William G. Parenti, Chief of Police

The 5th annual class of the North Plainfield Police Department’s Youth Academy graduated on July 12th, 2019. The cadets are put through a vigorous week of training which gives them a glimpse into actual police academy training. They engage in a physical training regime, team building exercises, attend lectures on subjects such as crime scene investigations and motor vehicle stops. They also receive visits from representatives from several branches of law enforcement including the New Jersey State Police, FBI and other first responders. The cadets are required to complete drills designed to teach them marching in cadence and other team building exercises.

This program remains very successful due to the dedication and professionalism of our officers who take the time to teach and mentor the cadets guiding them towards graduation. With a special thank you to Detective Albert Domizi for putting the program together.  The graduation is a formal ceremony with their family and friends.  We hope that one day some of these children will become police officers.  In addition, we hope going forward all the cadets gathered a better understanding of the hard work done by police officers each day.

Photo by North Plainfield Police Dept.

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