News From Kenilworth Rotary Club

The Kenilworth Rotary Club recently installed  a new member Sandra Trapani, a New Jersey licensed sales rep Weichert Realtors.
The club meets every Wednesday for a lunch meeting at 12:15 p.m. at Ribertos Italian Seafood Bistro, 24 N. 20th in Kenilworth.
The club has been part of Rotary International since 1948 serving the needs of Kenilworth and the world. Service above Self is always the motto and Rotarians strive to make their community and the world a better place… numerous projects are available for those willing to participate.  Sponsors are always appreciated to support the club’s academic student scholarship program and summer camp program.
To learn more about volunteering or sponsoring or participating please contact President Ceu at 908-400-5033. Visit Kenilworth Rotary Club on Facebook.

(above, l-r) Kenilworth Rotarian and Seargent of Arms Toni Sosnosky welcomes
Sandra (center) along with Union Rotarian and Past District Governor 7510
Charles Minton.