Town-Wide Survey Looks at Today and Tomorrow

New Providence Town-Wide Survey

Submitted by Patricia Jacobs

“Even in the middle of the pandemic, it’s important to keep an eye on the future,” said Bill Hoefling, Co-chair of the Economic Development and Community Enhancement Committee, and President of New Providence-Our Community For All. This new nonprofit, chartered to move New Providence toward an Age Friendly future, is asking all households in town to complete a survey online or on paper in October. As the Baby Boom ages, the needs of town residents will be changing. The survey is designed to get ahead of the curve of this large demographic change.

The survey will be available online beginning October 1 at the nonprofit’s website: A postcard will be mailed to everyone reminding all households about this important opportunity to share their perspectives. Paper surveys will be mailed to residents over 70.

Why do a survey now? With the aging of the Baby Boom, New Providence stands to lose many residents in a short time. “Too many of our neighbors and friends don’t see New Providence as a place to live out their lives. They see big challenges in living here in the chapters of life after their kids are out of school. If we look forward together and get creative, we can emerge with a plan for an even stronger New Providence, a great place to live, lifelong,” explained Patricia Jacobs, Executive Director of the group.

Many municipal departments had input into the survey, which will be used to develop recommendations to address lifelong community assets, including parks and recreation, safety and health care, housing and transportation, and civic or social engagement opportunities. The Economic Development and Community Enhancement Committee has been planning to gather this information for the past year.

Pete DeSarno, Borough Council member and Vice President of the Board of New Providence- Our Community For All explains, “Whether someone is a new resident in town or someone who has raised their children and lived in New Providence their entire life, our seniors like all residents are valued members of the fabric of our community. Our seniors are a treasure and respected as they contribute and have so much to offer our community. This survey that the Grotta Fund for Senior Care has helped to make possible represents a tremendous opportunity to gain valuable insight into the perspective and experiences of seniors in New Providence. The survey will provide feedback that can be used to ensure that New Providence maintains the environment, services and resources necessary to continue to be a desirable town for seniors to live. It is a great source of pride for residents that New Providence is consistently recognized for its great schools as well as being a great town to raise a family. We must also continue to ensure that it is a community that offers an excellent quality of life for all residents of all ages.”

The results of the survey will be shared with borough residents on the website and Facebook page for New Providence- Our Community For All. To learn more or take the survey please visit: To request to be mailed a paper copy please call: 908-380-7715.

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