New Providence Community Service Association Helps Neighbors During Pandemic

(above) The CSA was established in 1954. by a group of concerned citizens. It is believed to be the first organization of its kind in the country. The primary purpose is to offer financial assistance to New Providence residents in their time of need. You can contribute by visiting our website,, and donating.

A Community Service Association Update:

Corona Devastation Hits Home in New Providence

Submitted by Thomas Montrone, CSA President

The Coronavirus has affected all of us, from social depression to lost income to tolerating home cooking for 3 months. However, for some, the impact has been devastating. In the past three months, the number of calls for help in New Providence have grown, while the Community Service Association’s (CSA) plans for fundraising events in our community have been put on hold because of the virus.

The requests for assistance come from residents working in the service industries hardest hit by the pandemic. Individuals who work at restaurants, hair salons, in childcare, as house cleaners and other service industries have been unable to earn an income. Many of these families, barely able to make ends meet before the pandemic, have seen their limited savings vanish and their households threatened. These families are struggling to make rent payments or cannot make rent payments, are in danger of having their utilities turned off and even have difficulty putting food on the table. This is why the CSA exists.

The CSA was founded in 1954 as a community volunteer organization to enable neighbors to help neighbors. Our Case Worker has received numerous requests with similar situations, families that were mostly able to make ends meet until the pandemic arrived. When the CSA receives a request for assistance, our Case Worker conducts interviews, performs some due diligence, and submits a recommendation for assistance. All requests are kept strictly confidential. After Board approval, the CSA will provide help in whatever capacity it can including temporary critical financial assistance. When financial assistance is given, payments are made directly to the creditors, landlords, utilities, etc. More recently, the CSA has expanded its distribution of food to many families. Food is received from several of our local churches that have received donations from parishioners and by purchases made with donations by the CSA. From purchasing food, special diapers or just helping to keep the lights on, the CSA volunteers are indeed, neighbors helping neighbors.

You can help! Your donation can make a difference for those in our community who are economically vulnerable and who are the most harmed by the pandemic. You can contribute by visiting our website,, and donating.

The CSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is chartered in the State of New Jersey.

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