Mrs. Conner’s Students “Gotta Reach Em’all”

Mrs. Nina Conner’s students at Frank K. Hehnly Elementary School in Clark are striving towards a variety of goals this school year with a “gotta reach em’all” mindset. Students were asked to brainstorm their full year growth objectives and were then prompted to identify them on Poké Balls, which are being displayed on a bulletin board outside their classroom. Students identified, “becoming a master subtractor,” “publishing a written work,” and “writing in cursive” among many other goals. Mrs. Conner will refer to the bulletin board in the upcoming months and remind students that perseverance and hard work will be required if they want to “reach em’all.”

(above) Mrs. Nina Conner and her third grade students Jacob Prystauk, Lucas Origliato, and GianLuca Manzella posing in front of their Pokémon-themed bulletin board.

(above) Mrs. Nina Conner and her third grade students Jacob Prystauk, Lucas Origliato, and GianLuca Manzella posing in front of their Pokémon-themed bulletin board.