Moms Helping Moms 3Rd Annual Snow Ball Gala Fundraising Event

The Moms Helping Moms 3rd Annual Snowball Gala will take place on January 28th at Shackamaxon Country Club in Scotch Plains. There will be food, drinks, music, silent auction, raffle, and games, all to support a great cause.
Moms Helping Moms Foundation provides low income families with baby essentials like diapers, wipes, and clothing. Bridget Cutler, a New Providence resident and Mom was overwhelmed by all the gifts she received from family and friends when she had her first baby. She wanted to donate some of the gifts to families who weren’t as fortunate. The issue was she couldn’t find an organization to give to, so she founded Moms Helping Moms to fill the gap.
Moms Helping Moms Foundation partners with social workers and other local organizations in New Jersey. They recently partnered with several Nursery schools, preschools and gyms this past September to collect more than 8,400 diapers during National Diaper Awareness Week. 1 in 3 American families struggle with diaper needs, not having enough diapers for their baby. Annually, Diaper Need Awareness Week draws national attention to this consequence of poverty and Moms Helping Moms Foundation is part of the solution.
Moms Helping Moms Foundation invites you to help them fight child poverty by attending this fun event. It’s such a fun night – we hope you can all join us!! Get your tickets by going to and click on “Events” to get your ticket!

(above l-4) Moms Helping Moms Snow Ball Gala 2015- Board Members: Megan Schreiber Deaton, Jackie McCormack, Bridget Cutler and Jerusha Oleksiuk.
Photo courtesy of Aspen Leaf Photography.