Garwood Mayors Wellness Campaign Upcoming Acrivities

To continue Garwood’s Mayors Wellness Campaign, at the 2018 New Jersey State League of Municipalities Convention, then Mayor Charles Lombardo signed the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute’s Pledge of Participation. The pledge highlights Garwood’s commitment to work and promote an active living and healthier lifestyle for its residents. This statewide Mayors Wellness Campaign is supported by nearly 400 Mayors throughout the state to implement health and wellness programs.

Current Garwood Mayor Sara Todisco has appointed former Mayor Charles Lombardo as the Mayors Wellness Campaign liaison. Mr. Lombardo has recently formed a committee which is currently comprised of six members, which include three Garwood citizens, a professional personal trainer, a registered dietitian and an officer from our local Chamber of Commerce. They are currently reaching out to the entire community of Garwood to join our efforts as they offer a series of events, including educational workshops on healthy eating, active living, and various wellness events. The Committee will encourage healthy living and eating habits through nutritional education for adults of all ages as well as school age children.

The first Mayor’s 3K Walk of 2019 will take place on Saturday, March 23rd, starting at 10 a.m. at the East Street entrance to the park. It is anticipated that this walk will take place on the fourth Saturday of every month. Mayor Todisco will be this month’s celebrity walker. In the months to follow, celebrity guest walkers will be the Chief of Police, school officials, among others. Mr. Lombardo reminds participants that it is a walk, not a run or a competition, just an opportunity to get out in the fresh air, meet your neighbors, and get some exercise.

Members of the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign met with Mrs. Emmons, Principal, Dr. Quigley, Superintendent of Schools, and the Lincoln School PTA, to discuss ways that the Campaign can be integrated into the school’s curriculum and activities, offering parents and students nutritional information for families to stay active, while making healthy food choices.

The Committee has established a monthly schedule, meeting on the second Monday of each month at 4 p.m. in Borough Hall. They encourage Garwood’s residents to share in their mission. In the near future they will be reaching out via a Facebook Page and local newspapers to bring in new members and interested professionals to join them. Please contact the Mayors Wellness Campaign via e-mail at