Martin Wallberg Post 3 Participates in Jersey Boys State

Submitted by Sharon A. Knight

Martin Wallberg Post 3 of the American Legion in Westfield sent 7 boys to American Legion’s Jersey Boys State. Boys State is a civics conference teaching Americanism and is held across the country in 49 states.

This year’s Boys State conference was held on June 17-22, 2018 at Rider University. The boys set up a mock local city, county, and state government and are assigned to a political party when they check in. Participants are either a Patriot (Pat) or a National (Nat). The event ends with the election of a Boys State Governor and two Senators who go on to American Legion Boys Nation in Washington DC, where they meet the President of the United States. While at the conference they attend career seminars, participate in sports, band, and choir.

(pictured l-r) Boys State Co-Chairman Rob Whitehead, Chris Kraemer, Lin Congrui, James Scacifero, Matthew Gomez, Patrick Harnett, Luigi Franzese, Patrick Jackson and Boys State Co-Chairman Jack Ford, .