April Programs at the Madison Public Library

Madison Public Library April 2024

All lecture programs are online via Zoom unless stated otherwise. You will receive Zoom instructions and online meeting information in your registration confirmation email in addition to a reminder email prior to the date of the program. Please register at madisonnjlibrary.org 

Container Vegetable Gardening 

Tuesday, April 2nd  @7pm

Join the Rutgers Master Gardeners to learn you don’t have to have a large sunny yard to have a vegetable garden. You can enjoy fresh vegetables grown in containers on your porch, patio, or balcony. Learn how to plant and grow a variety of vegetables from seed or transplant. The discussion will also include information on succession planting, as well as solutions to common pests and disease problems seen in home gardens.

Adult Open Craft Night

Monday, April 15th 6:30pm-8:00pm.

Held at Madison Community Art Center, 10 Kings Road.

Have no time or space to finish up all those craft projects? Take n Makes waiting to be assembled? You are not alone! Join us for some quiet time away from the kids and the dirty dishes.  Relax with friends and fellow crafters. Bring along anything you want to work on or enjoy doing the craft I will provide, just in case. 

The Joy of Backyard Birdfeeing 

Thursday, April 16th @ 7pm

“The Joy of Backyard Bird Feeding” will provide audiences with the necessary information to make the hobby of bird feeding more enjoyable. Topics will include what is the best food to offer to attract the most variety of birds, what are the different types of feeders available, why water and nesting boxes are so important as well as ways to thwart those pesky squirrels. Program presented by Wild Birds Unlimited in Denville. 

From Mickey Mouse to Star Wars and Beyond: How Disney Conquered Entertainment

Tuesday, April 23rd @7pm

Over the last nine decades, the Walt Disney Company has transformed every facet of the entertainment business—from the creation of feature length cartoons like Snow White, Bambi, and Pinocchio, to television programming like The Wonderful World of Disney, from theme parks that span the globe to Broadway musicals like The Lion King, from challenging Netflix with their new streaming service Disney+, to ownership of the greatest collection of franchise movies (from Stars Wars to Toy Story to The Avengers) under the control of a single studio in Hollywood history. Brian Rose will lead this talk and examine this remarkable story of creativity and media growth and looks at how the Walt Disney Company grew from a small cartoon studio in 1923 to become the most powerful force in worldwide entertainment.

The Queen of Comedy: Lucille Ball

Wednesday, April 24th   @7pm

Performing arts professional Marc Courtade will help us celebrate the life and career of Lucille Ball.  She rose from humble origins to become one of the most powerful women in Hollywood and the first woman to run a major studio.  She also entertained us and remains one of the best comediennes ever seen.  Moderately successful in “B” movies, it was television that solidified her career.  I Love Lucy has virtually never been off the air since it began in 1951. The show established her as a major television star, but also set the model for the situation comedy. Three more series followed, and Lucy kept doing what she did best, making people laugh. She has received every award there is for television, and numerous honors and recognition. Though she died in 1989, we still love Lucy!

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