Fall Court of Honor
Submitted by Suzanne Graham
Madison Troop 25 Boy Scouts have been busy earning requirement while having fun! On November 16, 2020, many scouts were recognized for their achievements at the Court of Honor. Courts of Honor are official gatherings for Scouts where the troop and troop members are recognized for what’s been accomplished with awards. Ten Scouts in Troop 25 will be ranking up. Nineteen Merit Badges such as Citizenship in the World, Cooking, Wilderness Survival, and Environmental Science have been earned by Scouts who are being honored at this Court of Honor. Additionally, eight Scouts will be honored with a medal for accomplishing an historic 10-mile hike at Jockey Hollow. Troop 25 Boy Scouts are fortunate that many merit badges are taught within the Troop. This motivated Troop currently has 12 Scouts in various stages of planning or execution of Eagle projects.
On multiple occasions this past Summer and Fall,Troop 25 Boy Scouts have enjoyed getting together in backyards, hiking, and other activities to complete requirements and have outdoor adventures. Many new skills were learned while fulfilling requirements and earning Merit Badges. Despite the many new restrictions this year due to Covid, Troop 25 Boy Scouts have safely participated in multiple hikes ranging from 3 to 15 miles, an Orienteering Event which was a scavenger hunt race with a map and compass, and meetings to earn requirements.