Long Hill Township Library new writer’s group
The Long Hill Township Library has a new writer’s group starting Wednesday, Sept. 11th. Do you love to write? Need some friendly support and feedback? Join this collaborative writing group on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the LHT Library. A beloved LHT Library user, Elaine Shaub, loved to write. She would come to the library to free her mind and write her stream of consciousness. Writing is a good vehicle to express one’s thoughts and ideas and is a way to relax for many. Sadly, Elaine passed away in April of this year and in her memory the LHT Library invites community residents to be part of the newly formed Elaine’s Peacock Writers Group, (Elaine loved the old television ad for the NBC peacock!). Inspiration, guidance, support, and gentle critiques will be offered at the monthly meetings. Experience is not necessary, only the desire to put pen to paper and write. All are welcome — what is shared in the group, stays in the group! Spread your feathers and give it a try!
In addition to Elaine’s Peacock Writers Group, the LHT Library will be offering a series of 3 writing workshops on Zoom with Gabrielle Esposito, a published author of short stories and a graduate of the SUNY Geneseo’s creative writing program. The first online workshop will be offered on Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 7 p.m. and will help to unleash your creativity and overcome writer’s block through a series of engaging prompts and writing exercises. The second online workshop, “Unlock Your Writing Voice,” will be offered on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd at 7 p.m. and the third, “Publishing Pathways,” will be offered on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 7 p.m.
Finally, should you be writing a college essay, the LHT Library will also have an online program, “Jumpstart Your College Essay!” with Kate Balboni, MA and owner of Balboni College Advising, LLC., on Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 7 p.m. Ms. Balboni will outline techniques for brainstorming topics, structuring the essay, and crafting a narrative that will grab the attention of admissions readers
Visit the LHT Library website, longhilllibrary.org, or call the front desk at 908-647-2088 to register for the writers’ group, the writing workshops, and the college essay program.