The Library of the Chathams announces January Events

Library of the Chathams January 2021 Events

Ten Bags to Toss: How and What to Declutter this Year with Jamie Novak

Are you ready to start the New Year off on a clutter-free note? Join best-selling author, organizer and humorist, Jamie Novak for a virtual presentation about how to apply her signature 10 bag toss method. Jamie will guide you through a live decluttering session and offer new strategies to keep your home clutter-free. You won’t want to miss this workshop. Please join us Thursday, January 14 at 7 pm. You may join the presentation by clicking on the Zoom link or dialing the phone number on the library’s website under the adult events category found at

Well Born Science: Assessing the Legacy of Eugenics in America

Paul A. Lombardo, Ph.D., JD, Regents’ Professor & Bobby Lee Cook Professor of Law at Georgia State University College of Law, will present a virtual lecture on the legacy of Eugenics in America. More than 100 laws were passed in the US during the 20th Century, both federal and state, that reflected ideas associated with the eugenics movement. This presentation will survey them with an analysis of the popular beliefs people associated  with “eugenics’ in the first two decades of the 20th Century including references to “Better Baby” and “Fitter Family” contests to the proliferation of commercial advertising that highlighted eugenic ideas. Many of these were absorbed into the country’s political and legal culture, including sterilization laws for people deemed “socially inadequate.” Please join us Tuesday, January 19 at 7 p.m. You may join the presentation by clicking on the Zoom link or dialing the phone number on the library’s website under the adult events category found at

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