(above) Young music lovers and their parents rocked the house as Jamie Fawcett created a morning of movement and music at Watchung Library on March 2.

(above) There’s always room for green eggs and ham on March 2, Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Children and grown-ups gathered around Watchung Library’s favorite Cat in the Hat, Jessica Wexler, to celebrate both the Cat’s and Dr. Seuss’ birthdays. The party included stories, games, cupcakes, and plenty of happy memories. When the Cat’s in town, you can never have too many whiskers and smiles!

(above) Families met Michelangelo, a miniature therapy horse, and his second “Mom”, owner Maureen Coultas of Hope’s Promise on February 17 at Watchung Library. Children had a chance to groom and pet Michelangelo. Maureen read the book, Michelangelo, The Little Therapy Horse, which is the story of Michelangelo’s life. And some children even learned how to walk a horse – because miniature horses are too small to ride!