Artwork by Kenilworth Resident Nancy Lamoreaux on Display at the Gallery-on-the-Boulevard

(above) Paintings by Kenilworth resident Nancy Lamoreaux will be on display at the Library May thru August

Art Exhibit: The Gallery-on-the-Boulevard

The Gallery-on-the Boulevard, located in the Kenilworth Public Library, will present an exhibit of paintings by Kenilworth resident Nancy Lamoreaux. The show will open in May and remain until the end of August.

Lamoreaux  worked as a Senior Respiratory Therapist  at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan for 28 years. During that time, she took a classical cast drawing class in New York City, with a plaster cast of a statue from antiquity, using only charcoal. She states: ”This was transformative for me. It taught me to really see, to take my time and be patient.” However, because of time constraints, Lamoreaux was not able to pursue painting until she retired.

She then gravitated to post impressionist painters and their vibrant use of color. Since critics of those artists wrote that they painted like Les Fauves, or wild beasts, she opted to title the exhibit of her paintings: “The Fauve in Me”. 

All artwork is available for purchase by contacting the artist.

The exhibit is free and open to the public during regular library hours.For more information call 908-276-2451.

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