Submitted by Janet Henkel
Kenilworth Rotary Club recently installed its newest member carol Bryan, Farmers Insurance agent. Rotary 7510 past district governor Ella Ezra and club president Ceu Manata welcomed her to the club.
The Kenilworth Rotary Club is celebrating 70 years servicing the needs of Kenilworth and the world through Rotary International founded in 1905. Academic scholarships and camp scholarships and community support throughout the year are provided by the Club’s fundraising activities. For further info contact Ceu at 908-400-5033 or visit Kenilworth rotary club on Facebook.
The Club meets every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. at Ribertos Seafood and Steak, 24 N. 20th St., Kenilworth, New Jersey.
Kenilworth Rotary Club Welcomes Newest Member, Carol Bryan