Join the Garwood Senior Club!

(above) Garwood Seniors enjoyed a river cruise sailing along the Toms River on the River Lady on August 8.

Come join in the fun!

Submitted by Carol Lombardo

The Garwood Senior Club meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at noon at the Knights of Columbus building located on South Avenue in Garwood. Entrance is through the Willow Avenue parking lot at the rear. The building is ADA compliant and all on one level. 

All Garwood residents, age 55 and over, are welcome to join. The Club has lunch and plays bingo at every meeting. Several times a year, speakers are invited in to discuss timely topics that are relevant to the seniors. In the past, the Garwood Police and EMTs have come in to discuss safety in the home and around town, officials from Union County have come in to talk about wills, long term care and planning for the future. Other speakers discussed nutrition, caregivers, staying sharp as we age, and health and general well-being. A variety of trips are planned throughout the year, most recently, a river cruise aboard the River Lady out of Toms River. We also have a Senior Club Christmas/Holiday Party and other special events during the year as well as an ice cream social and a Lions Club sponsored picnic. 

(above) Members of the Garwood PBA #117 treated the Garwood Seniors to a special luncheon on August 10, complete with sandwiches, desserts and two special prizes awarded during our usual Bingo games. The highlight of the meeting was an educational and informative presentation about how older people are uniquely targeted for scams, by phone and computer, and how to avoid falling for them, how to protect yourself from them, and what to do if you become an unfortunate victim.

There is a Senior Citizen bus that is available to bring members to the meeting as well as other venues like food shopping and to the local malls. Kathleen Wierzbinski, Garwood’s Senior Director, sends out a calendar of all the events to registered members, which include movies at the Garwood Library, ceramics and exercise classes, and dates of importance like the Senior Picnic, bus trips, and the Christmas/Holiday Party, in addition to the dates of mall/shopping trips. If you are registered as a Senior Club member, you should be on her mailing list. For some reason, if you do not receive the Newlsetter, you can call Kathleen at 908-789-0710.

Elected at the first meeting of the year, our slate of officers are: President is Patsy DiFabio, Vice President is George Diers, Secretary is Sharon Flammia and Treasurer is Bruce Paterson. 

The Club is always encouraging new members to join us. If you are interested in joining the Senior Club you can call Kathleen or just show up at the next available meeting, and we will be happy to register you then.

Courtesy photos

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