Clark Township Mourns the Passing of Business Administrator John Laezza

John Laezza

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of Clark’s Business Administrator John Laezza, my friend and right hand for 21 years.  John joined me at the start of my tenure as mayor to get the township on track financially and remained at his post until his death. He will be sorely missed.

Laezza was known amongst township employees to be fiscally conservative with town resources and to run a tight ship. His focus was on always protecting the growth and financial stability of the township.

Laezza served under two governors and wrote a multitude of state statutes before retiring to the next phase of his career in a corporate capacity. Clark Township was the last stop in his professional journey. We were fortunate to have had him as a leader and mentor to so many.

We thank the community in advance for your well wishes and look forward to carrying on in all the ways he guided us.


Mayor Sal Bonaccorso