Jack Merimee appointed to Vacant Seat on Board of Education

(above) At their January 9 meeting the Millburn Board of Education appointed Jack Merimee to a seat on the Board.

Jack Merimee appointed to Board of Education

At the January 9 Board of Education meeting, the Board heard statements from 8 candidates interested in completing the one-year open term left by the departure of Jamie Serruto from the Board.

Statements were presented by Scott Barishaw, Robert Chang, Asaf Farashuddin, Cynthia Longley Richards, Jack Merimee, Ward Myers, Sara Singer and Nidhi Thakur. Each candidate shared information about themselves and their reasons for wanting to join the Board of Education.

At the end of the meeting, the Board went into executive session to discuss the candidates, and they returned to the public session with nominations for Mr. Merimee and Mr. Farashuddin.  Mr. Merimee received enough votes on the first round of voting to appoint him to the seat.

Board President, Louie Shen, thanked all of the highly-qualified candidates for their interest and support of the Millburn Schools community and encouraged those who were not selected to continue volunteering in our schools and to run for a 3-year term on the Board of Education in November. The deadline for candidate petitions to be on the ballot for the 2023 Board election is July 31, 2023.

Mr. Merimee was formally sworn-in as a member of the Board at the January 23rd BOE meeting.

Courtesy photo

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