Hope One is a mobile recovery access vehicle which offers critical support for persons struggling with addiction, with the goals of preventing drug overdoses and deaths.
The Sheriff’s Community Services Unit operates Hope One in partnership with the Morris County Department of Human Services, the Mental Health Association of Morris County, and Morris County Prevention is Key and their Center for Addiction Recovery Education and Success (CARES).
Hope One travels twice a week to locations throughout Morris County, bringing services to persons in need. A sheriff’s officer, licensed clinician, and a certified peer recovery specialist, who understand the needs of those suffering with addiction, staff the vehicle.
They are able to provide clients immediate access to services and treatment facilities, putting them on the road to recovery and wellness.
In addition, Narcan rescue training and kits are provided to family members and friends of those suffering with opiate addiction.
“We’re able to get them treatment right away because of our connections and partnerships we’ve created,” said Corporal Erica Valvano.
“Removing the barriers that people come across in getting treatment,” added Lieutenant Denise Thornton.
The exterior of the Hope One vehicle is decorated with a purple ribbon to signify recovery. “Hope One” is inscribed within the purple ribbon, along with the Morris County “Stigma Free” logo. A 24-hour contact number for Morris County CARES also is on the vehicle.
When the Hope One vehicle comes, it parks and sets up refreshments, coffee, free Wi-Fi, a charging station, and donated toiletries in an effort to encourage those in need of services to approach the vehicle. Hope One sets up at locations that are natural places for the community to frequent, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries, and parks. Providing a comfortable, stigma free setting has allowed this program to effectively make contact with and provide services to individuals who have had difficulty navigating the journey of accessing appropriate services in the past.
Morris County Sheriff James Gannon stated on the Morris Cares New Jersey website, “This is about getting those struggling with addiction off the street, and immediately connected with services, with the goal of returning them to be productive members of society and drug free. What makes this program unique is that the Hope One mobile recovery access center services are client driven. We travel to the client; they do not come to us. In addition, we are removing many of the barriers, which often times prevent our people, as well as family members, the ability to get the necessary help and into rehab. It is all about hope. Hope One is wrapped around your loved ones. It is in our hearts and this is where we believe we can make the difference!”
Since launching in April 2017, Hope One stopped at over 100 locations in Morris County.
To find out when the Hope One will visit, go to the calendar listings at: sheriff.morriscountynj.gov/community/hope-one/
You can also visit morris.caresnj.org or follow Hope One on Facebook.

(above) The Hope One vehicle.