Holiday Safety Tips from the Summit Police Department

Holiday Safety Tips

The Summit Police Department is sharing safety tips to ensure a safe and happy holiday season for everyone.

When possible, use online tracking to know when packages are being delivered and try to remove them from your porch or front steps as soon as possible.

After unwrapping packages, do not put boxes for large, expensive equipment, such as computers or televisions, at the curb. It could be an invitation for thieves to potentially target your home. Instead, bring large boxes and containers to the Transfer Station for disposal, or break them down and place them in a covered container for curbside recycling or trash pickup.

Take photos of all items of value in your home and make a list with their make, model, and serial number.

Always lock doors and windows and remember to lock your cars when they are not in use. Always remove key fobs and valuables from vehicles when not in use. If you must leave valuables in your car, put them in the trunk out of plain sight. Never leave your car unoccupied with the motor running or with children inside.

Notify credit card companies immediately if a credit card is lost, stolen, or misused. Keep a record of all your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.

When leaving for an extended period of time, have a neighbor or family member watch your house and pick up your newspaper, mail, and packages. If possible, set indoor and outdoor lights on automatic timers. 

Use caution anytime there’s a stranger at your door. Be suspicious of unexpected sales calls or deliveries. Don’t be afraid to ask these individuals for identification.

There is a lot to celebrate this holiday season, so if you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, please do not operate a motor vehicle. Arrange for a designated driver who will not drink at all.

For more information on the Summit Police Department, visit

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