Four Saturdays of Caroling in Madison

Holiday Caroling in Madison

For four consecutive Saturdays, between 12 and 3 p.m. there will be the sounds of Holiday Carolers on Main Street in Madison. Sponsored by the Madison Downtown Development Commission, four groups will be singing on the streets and in the stores of town.

On December 3, the Florian Schantz Brass Carolers will launch the festivities with a five-piece brass band rendition of Holiday classics. The following Saturday, Christmas Matters will bring a Victorian Christmas to town. Madison favorites, the Anthology Quartet will perform on December 17, and on Christmas Eve the Gospel group Anointed Friends will serenade all the last-minute shoppers.

“Nothing brings life to a street like music and song,” said Lisa Ellis, the Director of Business Development for the Borough of Madison. “In past years, all four of these groups have brought the spirit and joy of the Holidays to shoppers and businesses alike, and we are very happy that they could make the time to be with us. We invite everyone to come out between 12 and 3 on these Saturdays to dine, shop, and stroll.”