GVFAS At your service for over 84 years
The Garwood Volunteer First Aid Squad has been serving the community of Garwood for over 84 years but did you know we do much more than just respond to emergency calls?
We provide standby services at numerous community events throughout the year such as:
Little League Parade, Garwood Rocks, Summer Junior Police Academy (First Aid & CPR Demo), Memorial Day Parade, Halloween Parade, Tree Lighting & Menorah Lighting, Sponsor the Summer and Winter Craft Bazaars at the Garwood Knights of Columbus Building, Provide Mutual Aid Stand-by for Other Towns (e.g. Carnivals, Fireworks, Street Fairs & Parades).
We offer First Aid and CPR classes to the community as several of our members are certified American Heart Association Instructors. We conduct monthly CPR classes at our squad building on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2 to 6 p.m. (6 people minimum to run the class). We can also provide group classes on other days at our building or at another location upon request. If you’re interested in learning about a First Aid/CPR program, please call 973-610-7675 or e-mailinformationgfas@gmail.com for more information.
We offer a free Medical Equipment Program to residents (e.g. wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, and shower seats) at no charge. We also accept donations of new, or well persevered and clean, equipment. Please call 908-789-0300 or e-mailinformationgfas@gmail.com for more information.
Who is cleaning out their closets or bookcase?
We have permanent Clothing Bin & Book Bin in our parking lot located at 401- 2nd & Walnut Street. (The clothing will not be turned rags. We can only accept books: hardcover, paperback, or textbooks with ISDN numbers.)
We also host the Union County Central New Jersey Safe Kids Car Seat Inspection Station Program on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 – 11:00 a.m. Just stop by our station at 401 – 2nd Ave & Walnut and certified technicians will ensure your child’s safety seat is the correct type and properly installed. For more information, please call 908-789-6830.
K9 Kim’s Dog Training & Behavior Services uses our building to provide dog training to the community. For more information on classes and services contact Kim Guy 201-388-3221 or email K9kimguy@gmail.com
Volunteers Are Needed!
If you have the desire to help others join us, we are in need for adult and junior members to join! We are staffed 100% by volunteers who live and work in the town, and surrounding communities. Squad crews respond to emergency calls 24 hours per day, every day of the week. Flex-time shifts are available. Volunteers are provided with free first aid/CPR training and uniforms. For more information call 908-789-0300, or email us informationgfas@gmail.com.