Green Team Plants Crabapple Tree in front of Garwood Athletic Complex

(above) The Garwood Athletic Complex is home to a new crabapple tree.

A Crabapple Tree Grows in Garwood

Recently the Garwood Green Team was able to obtain one of the 80 crabapple trees that the county made available to Union County community organizations as part of the County’s Arbor Day celebration. While these trees are usually made available to county schools, this year they were made available to community groups as the schools were all closed on Arbor Day, which was April 24.

The Green Team decided to plant this six-foot-tall specimen at the Spruce Street entrance into the Garwood Athletic Complex. Crabapples are known for beautiful white spring flowers and small apple like fruit in the fall, which is a favorite of many bird species. Hopefully, with plenty of watering during this hot summer, the tree will thrive and after approximately 10 years, obtain a height of 15-20’, with a similar spread.

Garwood traditionally holds an annual Arbor Day celebration at Lincoln School, and many of the trees currently growing at Lincoln and Washington Schools were originally planted through this annual celebration. The Green Team looks forward to returning to this annual program next year. In the meantime, we recommend that all Garwoodians take a look at the town’s new seedling and watch it grow!

If anyone is interested in joining or learning more about the Garwood Green Team, please or call Councilwoman Jen Blumenstock at 908-337-7726.

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