Green Team Installs New Water Fountains at Garwood Recreation Complex

(above) The Green Team was awarded a grant to replace two water fountains at the Rec. Complex.

Garwood Green Team Installs New Water Fountains

The Garwood Green Team is happy to announce that Garwood has new water fountains at the Rec. Complex. The Green Team applied for and was awarded a non-matching grant from NJ American Water to replace the two water fountains at the Rec Complex.

Both the indoor fountain inside the Rec building and the outdoor fountain by the turf field have been replaced with water bottle refilling stations that are more environmentally friendly. We’d like to encourage our residents and visitors to use refillable bottles and reduce waste.

The Green Team hopes everyone will enjoy these two new water bottle refillable stations and would like to thank NJ American Water for providing the funds to make Garwood a more sustainable Borough.

(above) The new water fountains are equipped with water bottle refilling stations, encouraging residents to use refillable bottles.

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