Garwood Girl Scouts Honor MLK Jr. by Giving Back

(above) Garwood Girl Scout Daisy Troop 41005 displays the homeless care kits they made recently on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.

Girl Scouts Honor MLK Jr. by Giving Back 

Garwood Girl Scouts 

Garwood Girl Scout Daisy Troop 41005 and Brownie Troop 41108 made over 200 homeless care kits on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. The care kits were filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, razors, shaving cream, combs, brushes, Chapstick, and more.  

A very special thank you to everyone in the Garwood community who donated the supplies to make this service project possible. This was a way to honor MLK Jr.’s life and teachings by engaging the girls in community action. Our goal was to teach the girls that service breaks down barriers and builds a stronger community, and that, no matter how old you are, you can make a difference. The care kits were donated to The Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless.  

“As a newly elected official, I’m very proud of both Daisy Troop 41005, for which I am a Troop Leader, as well as Brownie Troop 41108. These girls made over 200 homeless care kits out of the goodness of their hearts.” said Councilwoman Kimberly Salmon. 

A special thank you to Garwood Lincoln School teacher, Ms. Danielle Libutti for assisting with building the care kits. Ms. Libutti also reviewed the Financial Literacy Booklet with the girls and assisted them in gaining another badge.  

Photos by Garwood Girl Scouts

(above) Garwood Brownie Troop 41108 has their homeless care kits boxed up and ready to donate to the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless as part of a day of service to honor MLK Jr.
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