Generosity Demonstrated Through Scouting For Food Program

One of the cornerstones of the Boy Scouts of America is service to one’s community. This was demonstrated on November 7th as Boy Scouts Troop 129 and Cub Scouts Pack 129 worked together to gather food donations for the needy. Each Autumn the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts run their “Scouting for Food” drive throughout Green Brook. Through the generosity of the people of Green Brook, much needed dry goods and children’s toys are collected and provided to Fish, Inc- Dunellen Area for distribution to those in need. This year 1,200 dry goods and canned food items were collected weighing in at approximately 900 lbs. Lisa Couch, chairman of the Fish Food Room had this to say about the Scouts’ food gathering program:
“Each year the Scouting for Food Program makes such a huge impact on our program and our ability to meet the increasing calls for food assistance.”

(above) Cub Scout David Schreck drops off donated food for those in need.

(above) Cub Scout David Schreck drops off donated food for those in need.