Garwood Mayor’s Wellness 3K Walk – July 24

Garwood Mayor’s Wellness 3K Walk

As the summer is heating up, put on your comfy sneakers and bring out the whole family to join the Garwood Mayor’s Wellness Campaign 3K Walk. The event will be held on Saturday, July 24, 2021, at 9 a.m. at the Garwood Recreation Center located at the end of Myrtle Ave. The Walk will follow the CDC guidelines of the 6-foot separation for social distancing and the wearing of masks. It’s not a foot race or a competition but just a friendly walk with neighbors to get some fresh air and exercise. All ages and abilities are welcome.

It is suggested that you bring water with you to stay hydrated while you walk with the group. Getting enough water and healthy drinks every day is important to our health since our bodies consist of about 60% water. It is usually advised to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, but that varies from person to person, and is meant only as a guideline. Water helps our body to keep a normal temperature, lubricate and cushion joints and protect our spinal cord and other sensitive organs and tissues. Our body needs water especially on hot days, and when we have a high physical activity. 

The committee would like all residents to follow them on Facebook@

Garwood Mayors Wellness Campaign. For further information about our group, or about becoming a member, please contact us at