Garwood Borough Beats Fanwood in 2019 Foodstock Challenge

(above) Mayor Sara Todisco recognized all the Block Ambassadors from the 2019 Foodstock Challenge with Mayor’s Awards for their help collecting and dropping off food items to Borough Hall and the Library.

Garwood Wins 2019 Foodstock Challenge

Submitted by Mayor Sara Todisco

Garwood won the 2019 Foodstock Challenge between our Borough and the Borough of Fanwood. Additionally, Garwood set a new state record of 4,815 pounds of non-perishable food items donated to fill local food pantries! With the help of Garwood and Fanwood in 2019, Foodstock was able to meet its goal and distribute more than 500,000 pounds of food to those in need over the past 10 years.

Garwood resident Coleen Gray Hay stepped up to organize Block Ambassadors to maximize food collection and drop off. She was awarded the Garwood Community Spirit Award for her leadership on this important cause. Block Ambassadors were recognized for their efforts as well at the November 14, 2019Council meeting.

Presently, about 10% of the population of Union County is food insecure. While a friendly competition was fun, the real win is making a positive difference for our neighbors.

(above) Bob Swisher of Foodstock, Mayor Colleen Mahr of Fanwood, Mayor Sara Todisco of Garwood, and Garwood resident Coleen Gray Hay after the announcement and the presentation of the trophy to Garwood.

(above) At the November 14 Council meeting, Mayor Sara Todisco honored Garwood resident Coleen Gray Hay with the Community Spirit Award for her leadership during the 2019 Foodstock Challenge.

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