Local Teen Holds Fundraiser for Annual Support Campaign

(above) Mira (left) and her sister at her bracelet table in the Welcome Center at the Westfield Area YMCA. Courtesy photo

Fundraiser for Annual Support Campaign

Mira Nirula, a former student of the Early Learning Center YMCA recently raised $550 toward the Y’s Strong Kids+ Annual Support Campaign selling bracelets. Mira made 100 bracelets and donated 100% of the proceeds in recognition of the Y’s 100-year anniversary.

Mira, 12, has been making and selling jewelry, giving 100% of the money she earns to organizations that have special meaning to her. She described how her favorite part of the process is the actual act of donating the money she makes to the organization of her choice. “I like to imagine how many people I might be helping and what the money will do or who it will benefit,” Mira adds. She has learned how easy it is to help others through something as simple as making jewelry.  

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