Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club to host Cybercrime Zoom Program

(above) Learn to keep your personal information safe from cybercriminals during a zoom program to be held on Monday, March 21, at 7: 30 p.m. Register via email:

Cybercrime Zoom Program 

Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club 

On Monday, March 21, at 7: 30 p.m., the Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club will host a virtual program on Cybercrime led by Sonia Schenker. Cybercrime is an easy industry to enter and there are plenty of ways for cybercriminals to trick people into sharing personal information and/or money. Sonia will discuss common threats and two easy steps that we can take immediately to manage risk across a multitude of devices. 

Sonia Schenker is a self-proclaimed Excel nerd and a Certified Remote instructor for Community Education with a focus on how we can use modern technology at home and at work. She resides in Morris County with her husband and rescue dog. 

This timely and informative program is free and open to the public. A link to attend the program via Zoom can be obtained by sending an email request to

Photo by Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club

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