Florham Park Rotary Club News

(above) Florham Park Rotary scholarship winners once again were guests of honor in the Florham Park Independence Day Parade. In back are Sophia Maugeri, left, and Morgan Shepard. In front is Ryan Rauschenberger with Rotary escort Jean O’Day. Not pictured is fellow winner Ben Cave.

Florham Park Rotary Club News

Submitted by Peter Nicolas

The Florham Park Rotary historically awarded one scholarship annually to students who had a history of volunteerism in Florham Park.  The past several years, however, two or three scholarships were awarded as there were so many deserving students, according to Betty O’Brien, Scholarship Committee Chair and Peter Nicolas, Rotary Sergeant-At-Arms.

This year the Florham Park Rotary was able to award four scholarships to Florham Park students who had a history of volunteerism and were seniors in local high schools. Hanover Park High School and Seton Hall Preparatory School in West Orange were the high schools represented this year. In past years, high schools represented including Oratory Prep and the Morris County Vocational School.

Sophia Maugeri, Morgan Shepard and Ryan Rauschenberger could be seen waving to everyone from the 2005 silver Ford Mustang convertible during this year’s Independence Day Parade on Tuesday, July 4 in Florham Park. The 2023 Rotary Scholarships were earned through their volunteerism. 

Benjamin Cave was the winning recipient of the Rotary Scholarship Award for his commitment to both the Florham Park Memorial First Aid Squad, where he volunteered many Saturdays.  He is a good example of not just dedication, but geography as he also volunteered outside of Florham Park.  He committed significant time to the Madison Volunteer First Aid Squad, where he volunteered nights, among his other activities.

Morgan Shepard earned her service award due to her United Way varsity letter, where she volunteered at the Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter and participated in United Way’s “Gifs of the Season” holiday event.  She volunteered multiple summers at Florham Park Day Camp.  When COVID-19 hit, she created videos of reading children’s books and completing drawing tutorials so children could learn at home. She also tutored 2nd grade students online in match and reading via Zoom. 

Sophia Maugeri earned her scholarship for her work in the Hanover Park High School Environmental Club, the ERASE (Eliminate Racism and Sexism Everywhere) Club, Art Society, Girl Up, and long history of volunteerism back to the Girl Scouts.  A passion for dancing she danced at various community events with her Dance studio, Dance with Danielle, in fundraisers in such organizations as Shriners and a nursing homes.

Ryan Rauschenberger attended Seton Hall Prep.  When the COVID-19 pandemic hit he saw how many service projects had to be cancelled as a Sophomore he stepped in to the Environmental Club and ensured that the distance cleanups continued and grew and that virtual events were added.  Leading this effort included forging an alliance with the South Mountain Conservancy to get volunteers and initiate neighborhood cleanups.  He also volunteered at the food pantry and was a big brother for children on the autism spectrum.

Florham Park Rotary has provided this background of what this year’s scholarship recipients did so current students in high school may consider submitting applications next spring.

The application process for a service academy nomination begins in February and the deadline to submit an application varies but is typically by the end of March.  The Florham Park Rotary can only offer a limited number of scholarships and the process as seen above is competitive. Students must be residents of Florham Park, seniors in any local high school, and have a record of volunteering in the surrounding community. The students could also speak with their school’s counselors to participate and discuss logistics.

(above) Officer Faith Carney of the Florham Park Police Department pulled the three winning 50/50 raffle tickets as Florham Park Rotary Past President Damion Bernard looks on during the borough’s Fourth of July festivities at the municipal campus off Ridgedale Avenue.

For next year’s 2024 scholarships, the Florham Park Rotary will have raised money through the following three fundraisers in 2023:

The Taste of Florham Park, held on May 8, through admission tickets, 50/50 raffle tickets and tricky tray ticket purchases;

Independence Day Parade 50/50 raffle tickets on July 4, sold at the Borough Hall lawn, near the social garden and gazebo; and

The Florham Park Rotary Dog Parade and Costume Contest to be held on Oct. 14 at the Borough Hall lawn by the gazebo. Funds will be raised through dog costume contest registration and 50/50 raffle tickets.

All are welcome to attend the upcoming Dog Parade and Costume Contest and purchase raffle tickets. Dog owners are encouraged to begin planning their dog’s costume as soon as possible since the event is just a few months away.

About Rotary

Rotary International is a nonpolitical and nonsectarian organization open to all people, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference.

There are 40,000+ clubs in 200 countries worldwide dedicated to bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. This global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends and leaders volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs, according to the club.

To learn more about the local Florham Park Rotary to consider joining, guests are welcome to attend a weekly Rotary breakfast meeting at the Florham Park Diner at 182 Ridgedale Ave.  Those meetings are also held via Zoom to provide the option for members who can’t physically attend frequently in the diner. Meetings are 7:47 to 8:50 a.m. every Friday.

More ways to learn more about the Florham Park Rotary are to visit the new website at FlorhamParkRotary.org, check Florham Park Community TV (Channels 21 for Cablevision and 35 for Verizon), or call or write Membership Chair George Gregor at ggregor@florhamparkrotary.org or (917) 848-0982.

Courtesy photos

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